We’re thinking of launching a “Content Creator Service” , where we would manage all content on your fanpages. Lots of our clients run many fanpages at once, which can be cumbersome and time-consuming. Some of our clients don’t even post images, just straight link spam which results in loss of activity, and that translates into less traffic on your websites. Statistics show over and over that keeping your fans happy usually means more income at the end of the month.

What would we offer?

  • 5 (relevant to the page) posts a day on each fanpage. (images only, we are currently not considering posting your links)
  • Each image would be posted at peak traffic times for a particular country.
  • Images would be pulled from the most popular sections of Reddit (Reddit is pretty much top quality daily content that has been upvoted by 1000’s of people)
  • No 3rd party apps, everything would be done manually using facebooks built in scheduler.
  • Screened images / facebook safe
  • For an additional fee, we would create custom / watermarked content just for your fanpage.

As far as the price range we have not figured it out yet, but we’re estimating around 100-200 USD per month (for x10 pages total) When you add it all up that can amount to 1500 posts a month to 10 pages for less than a price of a Big Mac value meal (daily).

 Your votes will depend on the creation of this service! If enough people vote for it, we will launch a trial month and book 4-5 clients.


Thanks for voting! Any questions please write in the comment section below.