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The fight for post reach, it’s something that all fanpage owners endure every single day. As we all know, Facebook is a business, and their number one goal is to make money. They continually decrease organic reach with hopes of netting more “boost” sales. Well, we publishers have no control over that, as Facebook holds all the cards. However, the game is not over yet! Facebook still provides excellent organic reach, providing that you adhere to the rules of their unforgiving NewsFeed algorithm. But how do you beat a set of rules, if you don’t truly know them? You need tons of data and research, in order to test which strategies work the best. One company set out to do just that, to figure out what works best on Facebook, and thanks to their report, fanpage admins have a fighting chance to keep their pages active., the company who released the report, is a platform where marketers and influencers meet all under one roof. Their team analyzed over 1.4 million status updates, spread out across 1,647 fanpages, to see what content/behavior currently works the best on Facebook.
So, how did they do it?
Recently I did some research on top 1,647 Facebook pages across all niches to find out what type of posts get the most likes, shares and comments and here are the results. So before I jump to the conclusion, it’s important to tell how I found the data so you know it’s not a study with made up numbers. The CSV of 1.38 million posts is also attached at the end for you to download and do any further study you wish to do. First step was to make a list of top pages from all niches. My assistant created a list of top 1,647 pages from all niches with the help of Fan Page ListSecond step was to collect data from all those pages. For this purpose I created a small windows program which used Facebook API to download Page Category, Post Message, Post Tags, Picture, Link, type, created date/updated date, number of likes, comments, shares and some other related data. As weird as it may sound but it took me almost a month to download all this data.
The huge amount of data is nicely compiled into a one-page report (you can download it too). For more information, please visit the report directly: