About Admin

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So far Admin has created 139 blog entries.

How to contact Facebook and get support

Most social networks have a few contact forms for users to report issues. Facebook, on the other hand, has over 100 contact forms for just about every problem you could run into while using Facebook. PostPlanner.com organized all the current Facebook forms for your convenience, and we're sharing their amazingly useful list of current Facebook support forms. Facebook Access Access Restricted (Bad IP) - You are trying to access Facebook from an IP (Internet Protocol) [...]

2018-05-08T16:14:19+00:00December 22nd, 2016|Help Section|0 Comments

Community warning! Facebook is disabling accounts, be careful.

We don't mean to scare everyone, but since last night (12.12.2016) something odd is going on with Facebook, they're mass-disabling accounts. We're not talking fresh or fake accounts. Facebook started deleting established, photo ID verified, aged for years accounts. No warning, no reason why, just an instant termination. So, a fair warning to everyone. Make sure you have at least 3-4 admins on each and every one of your fanpages or groups, otherwise you may lose [...]

2016-12-14T08:19:01+00:00December 14th, 2016|Our Blog|0 Comments

We’re inching in on 500 sales!

While FanPageCash.org is no longer operational, we still like to update our blog from time to time, even though we have moved our shop to ViralAccounts.com. Since both websites belong to the same company, our blog is current with news related to both ventures. Today, we would like to announce that we're closing in on 500 sales for the year of 2016! In the business world, 500 sales may not sound like much, but our [...]

2016-12-12T14:24:47+00:00December 12th, 2016|Site News|0 Comments

Facebook error reveals that reach is even worse than previously projected.

Original source: http://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2016/11/18/facebook-organic-reach-misreported Two months after Facebook announced it had been overestimating average view time for videos, the social network let out that it found four more discrepancies in performance metrics relied on by digital marketers and advertisers. The most glaring of these miscalculations is how organic reach has been overrepresented in the Page Insights dashboard. Per the Wall Street Journal: Facebook found that it had been overcounting how many people were exposed to marketers’ organic [...]

2016-12-05T13:57:50+00:00December 5th, 2016|Our Blog|0 Comments

A December to remember! Throughout the entire month of December we will add an extra 150 USD to each offer!

First off, we would like to apologize to all our buyers for the current shortage of premium fanpages. While sales are constant, we really don't have anything to brag about, as most of our properties aren't as active as we would all want them to be. This shortage of leads is due to the upcoming holidays. Normally around this time of the year we get fewer customers, because people are out shopping, skiing and spending time [...]

2017-01-07T12:13:24+00:00November 28th, 2016|Site News|0 Comments

How to report a hacked Facebook fanpage!

In our six years of operation, we have not heard of a single instance where a user was able to retrieve a previously hacked fanpage, until now that is. Yes, it's true. We finally had the opportunity to witness Facebook intervention, that thwarted the hackers actions and made one Facebook user very, very happy. If you asked us a week ago if there is any way of getting a hacked Facebook page back, we would [...]

2016-11-19T12:01:48+00:00November 19th, 2016|Help Section|0 Comments

Million likes, 300k shares, and tons of comments. All in a single post, each time, and every time! Streaming to Facebook fanpages is the latest craze.

No, Facebook didn't improve reach, if that's what you're wondering. However, it is still possible to reach millions of people each and every time you post to your Facebook fanpage. How? It's easy! All it takes is one simple PC app and a previously recorded video. Still confused? Don't be, we're talking about the new Facebook streaming feature that was available to users since May 2016. If you thought that live streaming was a user-end [...]

2016-11-10T14:56:34+00:00November 10th, 2016|Our Blog|0 Comments

Facebook fan pages are at a all time low!

If you are our member, you have probably noticed the recent lack of fan page sales. It's not just you, there has been a recent shortage of pages across the Internet. This phenomenon isn't exclusive to FanPageCash.org, as other websites related to this business are also suffering. One of the best-known sites for buying and selling fanpages (FameSwap.com) currently only has five active fan page listings. These aren't current listings, as the newest one dates [...]

2016-10-29T09:02:19+00:00October 29th, 2016|Our Blog|0 Comments

Clever way to change your Facebook fanpage name to a shorter title.

Not too long ago we wrote a similar article that covers the subject of fanpage name changes, so you may ask yourself, why cover the topic again? Well, since we monitor a lot of pages we frequently discover new things, and just recently a few fanpages have caught our attention. We have noticed that some crafty fanpage admins discovered a clever trick for turning really long fanpage names into really short titles. Why is this [...]

2016-10-21T16:25:37+00:00October 13th, 2016|Help Section|0 Comments

Hi there :)

This section is reserved for announcements, and we currently have nothing to say. So go ahead, close this window :P
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